Course Syllabus
Welcome to Math 103: College Algebra
Course Coordinator and Instructor: Prem Prasain
Office: Richardson Hall 109(B)
Phone # : (304) 829-7741
Here are some basic facts about the course. For the complete syllabus click here.
- Textbook: College Algebra by Jay Abramson. Click here for the Textbook.
- Class time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 01:00 PM - 01:50 PM
- Room: Richardson 104
Teaching Modality: Primary-FaceToFace or In-person.
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10:00-11:00 AM, Thursday, 11:00-12:00 PM
Objective: Upon completion of this course,
- Use algebraic methods to solve a variety of problems involving exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, and rational functions, systems of equations and inequalities, sequences.
- Solve equations by correctly completing several logical steps before arriving at a final answer, and when possible, check solutions.
- Graph linear, power, root, reciprocal, absolute value, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions using basic transformations.
- Graph solution sets of systems of inequalities.
- Use mathematical vocabulary and symbols in order to understand, interpret, and represent mathematical information.
- Use algebraic manipulations to rewrite equations and expressions, including rewriting in standard form, factoring, completing the square and converting systems of equations to either a matrix equation or augmented matrix form.
Grading Policy: Your grade will be determined solely on the basis of your work on the assignments described here.
Course Activity or Assessment | Percentage of Final Course Grade |
Regularly Collected Homework | 30% of the total grade |
Midterm Examinations | 25% of the total grade |
Quizzes | 15 % of the total grade |
Attendance | 10% of total grade ** |
Final Examinations | 20% of the total grade |
**Note: If a student attends less than 75% in the semester, then his/her attendance score will be reduced to half of the total attendance. For example, if X student gets 60 out of 100 in attendance then the system will reduce 60 to 30.
The letter grades will be assigned on the percentage scale:
Grade | Range |
A | 90% |
B | 80% |
C | 70% |
D | 60% |
F | <60% |
Examination: The regular exam (mid-exams) will be held in the classroom and the time would be the usual class time. The final exam will be for two hours, the date and time will be announced later and updated on the canvas page. All students who are on-campus are supposed to attend the exam in the class but in exceptional cases (like sickened, quarantined, and in an emergency) will go through the remote exams.
Exams | Day | Time | Place |
Exam 1 | Oct 1 | Class time | Classroom |
Exam 2 | Nov 4 | Class time | Classroom |
Final Exam | Dec 9 | Dec 9 | Remotely |
Homework policy: The homework will consist of mostly proofs. As with all proofs, your proofs must be on fact, logically connected, and neatly written. Each week, you will be assigned a set of problems as homework. You are asked to submit the completed assignment prior to due time. No late assignments will be accepted except in emergency cases. Please keep in mind that they are graded so: leave some space for my (sometimes lengthy) comments and be sure I can find things. Further instructions are posted on the course homework page.
Homework: Homework problems (with clarification and hints) are posted on the course homepage. Homeworks basically come from basic facts, problems, and theorems in the book textbook or references. The due time for each assignment is stated in the upper right corner of the table below. The homework assignments for each week will be posted here. You should be updated with this page each week to complete your homework assignments.
Reminder: All assignments should be done in clean writing and in a legible manner. For the proof, organize your work and use proper notation. Please staple your assignment and remove the spiral notebook edges before turning in your assignment. You can submit your completed assignment in the regular class or in my office. Check your canvas page for updated homework assignments.
Date | Topics | Homework | Due: Each Monday 11:00 PM |
1st week or HW1 |
1. Real Numbers, |
Go to files | 6th September 11:00PM |
2nd week or HW2 |
1. Exponents, Square roots |
Go to file | 13th September 11:00PM |
3rd Week or HW3 |
3. Polynomials |
Go to file | |
4th week or HW4 |
4. Function |
Go to file | |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |